Our Policy.
In order to provide you with the best possible experience, we have a simple etiquette and salon policy that we ask you to adhere to.
IOH’s complimentary consultation is designed to discuss the process and instructions leading up to a potential client upcoming hair service namely;
Cutting, Styling & Treatments, Technical & Hair Extensions, Systeme Naturel / Sisterlocks, Artistic Braiding & Natural Hair.
Our policy is to analyse the hair textures and a discussion by the Consultant/Stylist with the potential client which takes about an hour, will be carried out about their hair care history, styling preferences and lifestyle in order to determine if it is the right service for them.
Some services will involve a written document of important information about what condition the hair should be when she/he returns for the particular procedure and client agreement is to be signed to secure an appointment.
Appointment terms
Please do not plan any other activities the day of your appointment. It is difficult to predict how long some hair services will take depending on different hair texture, length etc.A deposit of £100 for any hair service exceeding £200.Use our online contact booking, this way we can reply you as soon as we can for any enquiries concerning your appointment for consultation (FIRST VISIT), hair product issues etc.
Payment terms
We accept cash, bank transfers, or Paypal.Terms and conditions will be discussed and agreed at your consultation followed by an invoice/receipt confirmation. All payments must be made by the client in accordance with the dates notified by and agreed in writing with IOH.
Visitors and Children
We do not accept visitors but rather a one-to-one with the client during any visit in case the client is influenced by a friend’s negative reaction about her decision to lock. IOH has minimal space in the building to accommodate children if they are not receiving service so we expect clients to take responsibility and arrange childcare when necessary. It will also be inappropriate to have them (children) when a Consultant/Stylist goes to the client’s residence as it can distract the Consultant/Stylist performing the service.
General Maintenance
Regular hair care is very important and re-tightening of Sisterlocks (Systeme Natural), and Hair Extensions/Weave-on typically ranges between 3-5 hours at the agreed rate by the Consultant/Stylist (check the Price List).
Please shampoo your Sisterlocks (Systeme Naturel) the day before unless otherwise stated for health reasons. If your hair is unclean the Consultant has the right to reschedule your appointment and will be expected to pay 50% of your session. It is important that you separate your locks after shampoo. It will minimise hair strands from tangling.
If you are sick, at any stage please inform your Consultant/Stylist to re-schedule. If you come in exhibiting signs of illness, a new appointment will be given at that time.
Please do not hesitate to call or email if you have any questions.Please call or email to confirm your appointment 24 hours in advance.